
When people grow up, the world change to smaller and smaller. The friends you can talk to become lesser and common topic become narrower because people start to develop different view on the issues while growing up. 

One year ago, I thought that we are a bunch of friends who know each other very well and have common view on the same issue. But after one year, many things happened, I have changed, changed to another me who see thing very different from previous. People also changed because thing might fade with time. 

Now I only hope that we can continue stay together without any other arguments. I don’t have the hope that we can be as good as previously, like chat everything as previously or hang out overnight with endless topic. But I just hope that we can peacefully be normal friends and stay in the house with no argument.  

Probably all these above is because of I think too much but…I also not sure what do they think… cheers, everything will be okay ! 🙂




有时真的觉得听到这句“每个人都有每个人的方法”就显掉,真的这么不想听自己不想听的话,大不了,下次就不说咯。其实,我也只有对自己觉得亲的人才会这样子说那些话。既然这么不喜欢听,那还不如就分开一点,划清一点界线吧。[普通朋友|亲密朋友] 就分开这个界限吧。

越来越觉得这班朋友跟自己搭不上了 唉 友谊如果真的这么坚固,如果是维持一心的,那就既来之则安之吧。是你的最后也是你的,不是你的即使维持得再好也不会是你的。



一下子装得可怜兮兮到处问人有没有钱给他买水,一下子又可以抽着一包就可以买三个水的烟。lab也有人一下子捧着笑脸对senior,一下子变脸捧着拽到半死的脸对着别人。有必要吗?多一个朋友好过多一个敌人,别觉得别人对你没什么用处就这样对着别人 ,真的是看到觉得太恶心了。

Nothing is impossible with God

Going to start my work on literature review after writing this post.

I believe that although I cannot felt exactly the presence of god..he is with me everyday everytime i am doing work. The study of PhD work is really not easy, it make me felt like i am working alone with no partner can help me on the project. Sometime, working alone is lonely and helpless. But I here declare that with god nothing is impossible.

So all the best to the remaining three years!! all the best to my QEs!! all the best to my everything.

Dear Lord Jesus, i give thank to everything that u have gifted me so far, i pray that you can guide me, lead me, and show me you path to me. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

people, group, decision






people come people go….